
Excellent Final Review of the EU Project TRADR

The final Review of the FP7 TRADR project took place at an industrial site in Mestre, Italy, under the great hospitality of our Italian Firefighters, Vigili del Fuoco, on 21-22 March 2018.
The Reviewers and the Project Officer gave overwhelmingly positive final feedback on the excellent S&T progress achieved in the project and its impact. They praised the close collaboration with the end users and their active involvement and contributions throughout the project.

After working hard, Work Package 4, which I personally lead, obtained an excellent evaluation.

During the demo, we showed:
• two robots autonomously patrolling and exploring the industrial scenario
• a new path planner which integrates adaptive traversability (CTU)
• RCAMP, a communication aware path planner
PLVS: an RGBD SLAM system for volumetric reconstruction and 3D incremental segmentation

TRADR was a great experience! I have a lot of wonderful memories.

This is a nice video presenting the industrial site


This is a nice pic of the full TRADR Team with the Reviewers


Last but not least, a pic of the core developers (the guys whose hands are always on the robots). By the way, I’m there with my students Indro and Nicolo 😉